=== The Events Calendar ===
Contributors: ModernTribe, aguseo, borkweb, barry.hughes, bordoni, brianjessee, brook-tribe, cliffpaulick, courane01, faction23, GeoffBel, geoffgraham, ggwicz, jbrinley, leahkoerper, jentheo, lucatume, mastromktg, mat-lipe, MZAWeb, neillmcshea, nicosantos, patriciahillebrandt, peterchester, reid.peifer, roblagatta, ryancurban, shane.pearlman, shelbelliott, tribecari, vicskf, zbtirrell
Tags: events, calendar, event, venue, organizer, dates, date, google maps, conference, workshop, concert, meeting, seminar, summit, class, modern tribe, tribe, widget
Donate link: http://m.tri.be/29
Requires at least: 4.5
Stable tag: 4.6.2
Tested up to: 4.8.2
Requires PHP: 5.2.4
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
The Events Calendar is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily share your events. Beautiful. Solid. Awesome.
== Description ==
Create an events calendar and manage it with ease. The Events Calendar plugin provides professional-level quality and features backed by a team you can trust.
Packed with loads of useful features, The Events Calendar by Modern Tribe is ready to go right out of the box. It’s extensible, easy to use, and completely customizable.
Looking for additional functionality including recurring events, ticket sales, publicly submitted events, new views, Facebook event integration and more?
Check out [Events Calendar PRO](http://m.tri.be/mj) and [other add-ons](http://m.tri.be/2a)
>New Import Tool!
>We’ve made bulk event imports easier to manage than ever. This add-on service for The Events Calendar allows you to import events from your favorite sources, including Facebook, Meetup, Google Calendar, iCalendar, CSV, and ICS.
>[Check out Event Aggregator now](http://m.tri.be/197u).
The Events Calendar is crafted the WordPress way.
The Events Calendar plugin has been audited by many WordPress industry experts, including core developer Mark Jaquith for security & plugin review team member Pippin Williamson for best practices and plugin compatibility.
Our dedicated support team has poured hundreds of hours into QA, monthly usability tests, and numerous user interviews to guarantee quality and ease-of-use. We stand behind our work and offer light support weekly for the community via the WordPress.org support forums.
If you need a deeper level of support or a faster response to your specific question, our Events Calendar PRO add-on includes access to our premium support forums with a 24-48 hour response time during the workweek.
Enjoy using The Events Calendar, know how to get under the hood and want to make money helping people? We’re growing our community team and would love to hear from you. If you’re interested, [check this out!](http://m.tri.be/mk)
The Events Calendar is built to work out of the box. Just turn it on, configure the settings to match your needs and you’ll be making events in less than 5 minutes.
Or customize it to suit your specific needs. The Events Calendar is built by developers, for developers…it’s ready to be the foundation for your wildest hack sessions:
The Events Calendar is built to work out of the box. Just turn it on, configure the settings to match your needs and you'll be making events in less than 5 minutes.
* WP REST API support
* Skeleton stylesheet to theme fast & efficiently
* Partial template overrides
* Template tags, hooks, and filters
* [Extensive documentation](http://m.tri.be/eu)
* [Library of code snippets](https://github.com/theeventscalendar) on GitHub.
Whether your vision is big or small, you’re in good company. Hundreds of thousands of churches, eateries, small businesses, musicians, venues, and non-profits are publishing and promoting their events with The Events Calendar.
The Events Calendar has been scaled to work on networks with over 25 million unique visitors per month and hundreds of thousands of events. Fortune 100 companies, major universities, government institutions and some seriously epic startups push their events with our platform.
Whether you’re operating a hyperlocal hub listing thousands of events, a university with many thousands of users, or you’re a sole business owner listing your classes, The Events Calendar has your back.
Just getting started? Definitely watch and read through the [New User Primer](http://m.tri.be/2d) before going much further.
* Rapidly create events
* Saved venues & organizers
* Calendar month view with tooltips
* List view
* Day view
* Event search
* Google maps
* Widget: Upcoming events list
* Events Taxonomies (Categories & Tags)
* Google Calendar and iCal exporting
* WP REST API endpoints (READ)
* Completely ajaxified for super smooth browsing
* Completely responsive from mobile to tablet to desktop
* Tested on the major theme frameworks such as Avada, Genesis, Woo Themes, Thesis and many more.
* Increase your SEO with Microformats
* Internationalized & Translated
* Multiple stylesheets (Skeleton, Default, Tribe Event Styles) to improve integration
* Extensive Template Tags for Customization
* Hook & Filters up the wazoo
* Caching Support
* Debug Mode for Developers
Looking for something else? We’ve got add-ons available to take your calendar to the next level.
= PRO Features =
Add recurring events, a whole recurring events, a whole range of new views ( week / map / photo / venue / organizer) & widgets (calendar / featured venue / week / event countdown), shortcodes, custom event attributes, default content, location search, much more with [Events Calendar PRO](http://m.tri.be/2c)
= Event Ticketing =
Collect free RSVPs with Event Tickets or add paid ticketing features with [Event Tickets Plus](http://m.tri.be/18wg), including the ability to sell tickets, collect sales, and manage attendees all from within your WordPress dashboard! Works with your favorite eCommerce plugin (WooCommerce, Shopp, Easy Digital Downloads, or WP E-Commerce).
= Bulk Event Import =
Fill your calendar with events from your favorite sources, including Facebook, Meetup, Google Calendar, iCalendar, CSV, and ICS. [Event Aggregator](http://m.tri.be/197u) provides a convenient dashboard to manage scheduled imports, manual imports, filters, one-way sync, import history, and more.
= User-Submitted Events =
Running a community calendar? [Community Events](http://m.tri.be/2g) lets users add events directly to your calendar without needing access to your admin.
= Advanced User Search & Filters =
Have so many amazing events that your users get overwhelmed? [Filter Bar](http://m.tri.be/52) adds a configurable set of filters to your event pages so users can view and search for the exact events that interest them.
= Integrate With Eventbrite =
Connect your calendar with your Eventbrite.com account! [Eventbrite Tickets](http://m.tri.be/18wf) allows you to import/export between The Events Calendar and Eventbrite, and incorporate ticket sales.
[Join us on Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/theeventscalendar/) to be part of our active community, check us out [on Twitter](https://twitter.com/TheEventsCal), and [sign up for our newsletter](http://m.tri.be/rm) for release announcements and discounts.
If you’ve identified a bug and want to submit a patch, we’d welcome it at our [GitHub page for The Events Calendar](https://github.com/moderntribe/the-events-calendar). Simply cue up your proposed patch as a pull request, and we’ll review as part of our monthly release cycle and merge into the codebase if appropriate from there. (If a pull request is rejected, we’ll do our best to tell you why). Users whose pull requests are accepted will receive credit in the plugin's changelog. For more information, check out the readme at our GitHub page. Happy coding!
== Installation ==
= Install & Activate =
Installing the plugin is easy. Just follow these steps:
1. From the dashboard of your site, navigate to Plugins --> Add New.
2. Select the Upload option and hit "Choose File."
3. When the popup appears select the the-events-calendar-x.x.zip file from your desktop. (The 'x.x' will change depending on the current version number).
4. Follow the on-screen instructions and wait as the upload completes.
5. When it's finished, activate the plugin via the prompt. A message will show confirming activation was successful. A link to access the calendar directly on the frontend will be presented here as well.
That's it! Just configure your settings as you see fit, and you're on your way to creating events in style. Need help getting things started? Check out our [new user primer](http://m.tri.be/2l) for help with settings and features.
== Screenshots ==
1. Month View with Hover
2. Month View
3. List View
4. Day View
5. Single Event
6. Event Editor
7. Events Admin Listing
8. General Settings
9. Display Settings
10. Events List Widget
11. Mobile Month View
12. CSV Importer
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Are there any troubleshooting steps you'd suggest I try that might resolve my issue before I post a new thread? =
First, make sure that you're running the latest version of The Events Calendar (4.0 as of this release). If you're running Events Calendar PRO it needs to match the version number of The Events Calendar. And if you've got any other add-ons, make sure those are current / running the latest code as well.
The most common issues we see are either plugin or theme conflicts. You can test if a plugin or theme is conflicting by manually deactivating other plugins until just The Events Calendar is running on your site. If the issue persists from there, revert to the default Twenty Fourteen theme. If the issue is resolved after deactivating a specific plugin or your theme, you'll know that is the source of the conflict.
Note that we aren't going to say "tough luck" if you identify a plugin/theme conflict. While we can't guarantee 100% integration with any plugin or theme out there, we will do our best (and reach out the plugin/theme author as needed) to figure out a solution that benefits everyone.
= I'm still stuck. Where do I go to file a bug or ask a question? =
Users of the free The Events Calendar should post their questions in the plugin's [WordPress.org forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/the-events-calendar/), which we hit about once a week (usually on Wednesdays). Please make sure to read [our sticky post](http://m.tri.be/19oc) providing an overview of the support we provide free users BEFORE posting. If you find you're not getting support in as timely a fashion as you wish, you might want to consider purchasing a PRO license.
If you're already a PRO user, you're entitled access to our more actively-monitored [Events Calendar PRO forum](http://m.tri.be/2r) on our website. We can provide a deeper level of support here and hit these forums on a daily basis during the work week. Generally, except in times of increased support loads, we reply to all comments within 24-48 hours during the business week.
= Events Calendar PRO looks awesome! I'm sold! How can I get my hands on it? =
Events Calendar PRO can be purchased directly on [our website](http://m.tri.be/18wi). There are five (5) license types available, and all licenses include 1 year of access to support + updates.
= I'm interested in PRO or another add-on, but there are a few questions I've got before making the purchase. Can you help me get those addressed? =
Absolutely. If you're not finding your questions answered on the product pages, hit up our [pre-sales forum](http://m.tri.be/2w) on our site. You can save yourself some time by reviewing the threads first to verify if your question has already been asked. If it hasn't, post a new thread as a guest. We'll get you a reply as quickly as we can, so you can make an informed decision regarding purchase.
= What add-ons are available for The Events Calendar, and where can I read more about them? =
Currently, the following add-ons are available for The Events Calendar:
* [Events Calendar PRO](http://m.tri.be/18wi), for adding premium calendar features like recurring events, advanced views, cool widgets, shortcodes, additional fields, and more!
* [Event Aggregator](http://m.tri.be/197u), a service that effortlessly fills your calendar with events from Facebook, Meetup, Google Calendar, iCalendar, CSV, and ICS.
* [Event Tickets](http://m.tri.be/18wj) (free), which allows you to collect RSVPs to events. It can run alongside The Events Calendar or as a standalone plugin that adds RSVP functionality to WordPress posts and pages.
* [Event Tickets Plus](http://m.tri.be/18wk), which allows you to sell tickets for your events using your favorite e-commerce platform.
* [Community Events](http://m.tri.be/2g), for allowing frontend event submission from your readers.
* [Community Tickets](http://m.tri.be/18wl), which allows event organizers to sell tickets to the events they submit via Community Events.
* [Filter Bar](http://m.tri.be/fa), for adding advanced frontend filtering capabilities to your events calendar.
* [Eventbrite Tickets](http://m.tri.be/2e), for selling tickets to your event directly through Eventbrite.
= I have a feature idea. What's the best way to tell you about it? =
We've got a [UserVoice page](https://tribe.uservoice.com/forums/195723-feature-ideas) where we're actively watching for feature ideas from the community. Vote up existing feature requests or add your own, and help us shape the future of the products business in a way that best meets the community's needs.
= I've still got questions. Where can I find answers? =
Check out our extensive [knowledgebase](http://m.tri.be/18wm) for articles on using, tweaking, and troubleshooting our plugins.
== Documentation ==
All of our online documentation can be found on [our documentation site](http://m.tri.be/eu).
Some links you may find particularly useful are:
* [The Events Calendar New User Primer](http://m.tri.be/2l)
* [The Themer's Guide to The Events Calendar](http://m.tri.be/2m)
* [Knowledgebase](http://m.tri.be/18wm)
If you have any questions about this plugin, you can post a thread in our [WordPress.org forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/the-events-calendar). Please search existing threads before opening a new one.
The [Modern Tribe premium support forums](http://m.tri.be/2r) are available for you to read. You won't, however, be able to post a message in any forums beyond Pre-Sale Questions unless you have purchased a premium license.
== Add-Ons ==
But wait: there's more! We've got a whole stable of plugins available to help you be awesome at what you do. Check out a full list of the products below, and over on [our website](http://m.tri.be/18wn).
Our Free Plugins:
* [Event Tickets](https://wordpress.org/plugins/event-tickets/)
* [Advanced Post Manager](https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-post-manager/)
* [Blog Copier](https://wordpress.org/plugins/blog-copier/)
* [GigPress](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gigpress/)
* [Image Widget](https://wordpress.org/plugins/image-widget/)
* [Widget Builder](https://wordpress.org/plugins/widget-builder/)
Our Premium Plugins and Services:
* [Events Calendar PRO](http://m.tri.be/18wi)
* [Event Aggregator](http://m.tri.be/197u) (service)
* [Event Tickets Plus](http://m.tri.be/18wk)
* [The Events Calendar: Community Events](http://m.tri.be/2g)
* [The Events Calendar: Community Tickets](http://m.tri.be/18wl)
* [The Events Calendar: Filter Bar](http://m.tri.be/fa)
* [The Events Calendar: Eventbrite Tickets](http://m.tri.be/2e)
== Translations ==
The Events Calendar is translated by volunteers at [translate.wordpress.org](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/the-events-calendar/stable). There you can find a list of available languages, download translation files, or help update the translations. Thank you to everyone who helps to maintain our translations!
== Help ==
Welcome to The Events Calendar, a full-featured events management system for WordPress. Thank you so much for using the labor of our love. We are Modern Tribe and we are here to help you be awesome.
If you aren't familiar with The Events Calendar, check out our [new user primer](http://m.tri.be/2p). It'll introduce you to the basics of what the plugin has to offer and will have you creating events in no time. From there, the resources below -- extensive template tag documentation, FAQs, video walkthroughs and more -- will give you a leg up as you dig deeper.
Additional resources available include:
* [Release Schedule](https://theeventscalendar.com/release-schedule/)
* [Known Issues](https://theeventscalendar.com/known-issues/)
* [Documentation](http://m.tri.be/eu)
* [FAQ](http://m.tri.be/2n)
* [Help Videos](http://m.tri.be/2t)
* [Tutorials](http://m.tri.be/2u)
* [Release Notes](http://m.tri.be/2v)
* [Forums](http://m.tri.be/2r)
We hit the [The Events Calendar forum here on WordPress.org](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/the-events-calendar/) about once a week, assisting users with basic troubleshooting and identifying bugs that have been reported. (If you are looking for more active support, might we suggest buying a PRO license? Our team hits the [Premium Forums](http://m.tri.be/2r) daily.)
Some things to consider before posting on the forum:
* Look through existing threads before posting a new one and check that there isn't already a discussion going on for your issue.
* Your issue will be solved more quickly if you run a few checks before making a support request. Deactivate your plugins one by one - if the issue is fixed by deactivating a plugin you know you've got a plugin conflict. To test your Theme, revert to the default Twenty Twelve Theme to see if you are still experiencing the problem. If not, your Theme is the issue. Please provide this information when making your support request.
* Sometimes, just resetting your permalinks can fix the issue. Visit Events -> Settings -> Permalinks, save your permalinks with a different option and then save with your preferred choice again. This can solve events-related problems and can is worth a shot before creating a new thread.
Still not happy? Shoot us an email to support@theeventscalendar.com or tweet to [@TheEventsCal](https://twitter.com/TheEventsCal) and tell us why. We'll do what we can to make it right.
== Contributors ==
The plugin is made with love by [Modern Tribe Inc](http://m.tri.be/2s).
= Current Contributors =
* [Andras Guseo](https://profiles.wordpress.org/aguseo)
* [Barry Hughes](https://profiles.wordpress.org/barryhughes)
* [Brian Jessee](https://profiles.wordpress.org/brianjessee)
* [Brook Harding](https://profiles.wordpress.org/brook-tribe)
* [Caroline Tucker](https://profiles.wordpress.org/tribecari)
* [Clifford Paulick](https://profiles.wordpress.org/cliffpaulick)
* [Daniel Dvorkin](https://profiles.wordpress.org/MZAWeb)
* [Geoff Graham](https://profiles.wordpress.org/geoffgraham)
* [George Gecewicz](https://profiles.wordpress.org/ggwicz)
* [Gustavo Bordoni](https://profiles.wordpress.org/bordoni)
* [Leah Koerper](https://profiles.wordpress.org/leahkoerper)
* [Luca Tumedei](https://profiles.wordpress.org/lucatume)
* [Matthew Batchelder](https://profiles.wordpress.org/borkweb)
* [Neill McShea](https://profiles.wordpress.org/neillmcshea)
* [Nico Santos](https://profiles.wordpress.org/nicosantos)
* [Patricia Hillebrandt](https://profiles.wordpress.org/patriciahillebrandt)
* [Peter Chester](https://profiles.wordpress.org/peterchester)
* [Reid Peifer](https://profiles.wordpress.org/reid.peifer)
* [Shane Pearlman](https://profiles.wordpress.org/shane.pearlman)
* [Shelby Elliott](https://profiles.wordpress.org/shelbelliott)
* [Zachary Tirrell](https://profiles.wordpress.org/zbtirrell)
= Past Contributors =
* [Casey Driscoll](https://profiles.wordpress.org/caseypatrickdriscoll)
* [Casey Picker](https://profiles.wordpress.org/ckpicker)
* [Dan Cameron](https://profiles.wordpress.org/dancameron)
* [Jessica Yazbek](https://profiles.wordpress.org/jazbek)
* [Joachim Kudish](https://profiles.wordpress.org/jkudish)
* [John Gadbois](https://profiles.wordpress.org/jgadbois)
* [Jonah West](https://profiles.wordpress.org/jonahcoyote)
* [Jonathan Brinley](https://profiles.wordpress.org/jbrinley)
* [Josh Mallard](https://profiles.wordpress.org/joshlimecuda)
* [Justin Endler](https://profiles.wordpress.org/justinendler)
* [Kelly Groves](https://profiles.wordpress.org/kellykathryn)
* [Kelsey Damas](https://profiles.wordpress.org/kelseydamas)
* [Kyle Unzicker](https://profiles.wordpress.org/kyleunzicker)
* [Mat Lipe](https://profiles.wordpress.org/mat-lipe)
* [Matt Wiebe](https://profiles.wordpress.org/mattwiebe)
* [Matthew Denton](https://profiles.wordpress.org/mdbitz)
* [Nick Ciske](https://profiles.wordpress.org/nickciske)
* [Nick Mastromattei](https://profiles.wordpress.org/mastromktg)
* [Paul Hughes](https://profiles.wordpress.org/paulhughes01)
* [Rob La Gatta](https://profiles.wordpress.org/roblagatta)
* [Ryan Urban](https://profiles.wordpress.org/ryancurban)
* [Samuel Estok](https://profiles.wordpress.org/faction23)
* [Timothy Wood](https://profiles.wordpress.org/codearachnid)
* [Trisha Salas](https://profiles.wordpress.org/trishasalas)
== Upgrade Notice ==
= [4.3] =
Please see the changelog for the complete list of changes in this release. Remember to always make a backup of your database and files before updating!
== Changelog ==
= [4.6.2] 2017-10-18 =
* Fix - Restored functionality to the "currency position" options in Events Settings, and in the per-event cost settings (props @schola and many others!) [89918]
* Fix - Fixed issue in Month view with multi-month events not appearing on subsequent months (thanks @shinno.kei & @schittly for helping isolate this) [89747]
* Fix - Made some changes to prevent Month View caching from breaking WPML support when in Month View (props: @mpike and many others!) [82286]
* Fix - Fixed start/end times being displayed in incorrect timezone in structured data (thanks @mtncreative & @esosa) [42125]
* Fix - Fixed an issue that would cause a 404 error if the selected default view was not enabled (thanks @pruneau) [45612]
* Fix - Improved translatability by adding missing textdomains for a number of strings (props @pedro-mendonca) [91071]
* Fix - Removed unneeded escaping to ensure the organizer link displays as expected (pros @f4w-pwharton) [91074]
* Tweak - Improvements to the readme.txt file surrounding plugin requirements (thanks @ramiy) [90285]
* Tweak - Improve site identification in multisite installations using Event Aggregator to avoid throttling issues [90489]
* Tweak - Avoid notice level errors when a non-existent category archive is requested (our thanks to Charles Simmons for highlighting this) [90697]
* Tweak - Added a new filter `tribe_events_ical_single_event_links` to make customizing the iCal and gCal export links on single-event views easier [90705]
= [4.6.1] 2017-10-04 =
* Fix - Fixed "Next Events" and "Previous Events" navigation links in list views, which would sometimes make a category-filtered list view lose its category filter as a user navigated through pages of future or past events (props @forumhelpdesk and @atomicdust for reporting this!) [72013]
* Fix - Fixed some layout issues with the Tribe Bar datepicker that would arise when using a Twentysixteen or Twentyfifteen child them (thanks to @stefanrueegger for reporting this) [46471]
* Fix - Prevented modification of event titles within the loop when using TRIBE_MODIFY_GLOBAL_TITLE [89273]
* Fix - Fixed issue when exporting all-day multi-day events via iCal where the end date was one day early (Thank you @fairmont for reporting this!) [87775]
* Fix - Fixed issues with the jQuery Timepicker vendor script conflicting with other plugins' similar scripts (props: @hcny et al.) [74644]
* Fix - Fixed an issue that would prevent Event Aggregator scheduled imports from running [88395]
* Fix - Fixed the "Start Time" and "End Time" timepicker fields in the event-creation screen to make it impossible to have an end date/time that comes before the start date/time [72686]
* Tweak - Remove unnecessary parameters from some remove_action calls in the plugin (thanks to @JPry on GitHub for submitting this fix!) [88867]
* Tweak - Adjusted the EA cron start time so that it never gets created in the past [88965]
* Tweak - Improved options format in the Event Aggregator settings [88970]
* Tweak - Added a filter to CSV importer for altering the delimiter, escaping, and enclosing characters [70570]
* Tweak - Adjusted the `tribe_update_venue()` template tag so it no longer creates some unnecessary meta fields involving post_title, post_content, etc. (thanks @oheinrich for bringing this to our attention) [66968]
* Tweak - Improved the performance of The Events Calendar REST API tweaking some queries [89743]
* Tweak - Add support for a `found_posts` argument in `tribe_get_events`, `tribe_get_venues` and `tribe_get_organizers` functions to return the number of posts found matching the current query arguments [89743]
* Deprecated - Deprecated the `tribe-events-bar-date-search-default-value` filter; use `tribe_events_bar_date_search_default_value` instead [67482]
* Language - Improvements to aid translatability of text throughout plugin (props: @ramiy) [88982]
* Language - 7 new strings added, 180 updated, 4 fuzzied, and 3 obsoleted
= [4.6] 2017-09-25 =
* Feature - Added full CRUD REST support for Events, Organizers, Venues, Event Categories, and Tags
* Tweak - Updated Bootstrap Datepicker to v1.7.0
* Tweak - Added latitude/longitude to REST responses when available on venues
* Tweak - Added JSON-LD data to REST responses when available
* Tweak - Replaced deprecated first parameter of `tribe_get_organizers()` with a parameter that, when specified with a truthy value, returns only organizers with upcoming events attached to them
* Tweak - Added linked post filters: `tribe_{$this->post_type}_has_events_excluded_post_stati`, `tribe_events_tribe_organizer_create`, `tribe_events_tribe_organizer_update`, `tribe_event_venue_duplicate_post_fields`, `tribe_event_organizer_duplicate_custom_fields`
* Tweak - Added action: `tribe_events_organizer_created`
* Tweak - Added REST filters: `tribe_rest_organizer_default_only_with_upcoming`, `tribe_rest_venue_default_only_with_upcoming`, `tribe_events_rest_term_allow_delete`
* Tweak - Added duplicate-detection filters: `tribe_duplicate_post_strategies`, `tribe_duplicate_post_strategy`, `tribe_duplicate_post_{$strategy}_strategy`
* Language - 152 new strings added, 217 updated, 6 fuzzied, and 1 obsoleted
= [4.5.13] 2017-09-20 =
* Feature - Add link to the featured image in the Events List widget. New filter introduced to control this: `tribe_events_list_widget_featured_image_link` (props to @cabadaj007 for the feature request) [84807]
* Feature - Remove 'France, Metropolitan' option from country list to prevent issues with Google Maps API (thanks @varesanodotfr for pointing this out) [78023]
* Feature - Ignored Events will restore previous status instead of setting to 'publish' [82213]
* Fix - Patched jQuery Resize vendor library to avoid JavaScript conflicts (props to @britner for the original report) [71994]
* Fix - Fixed a typo in the Event List widget options [71081]
* Fix - Addressed some PHP notices that would sometimes emerge in tag-filtered post lists in the wp-admin (thanks to @wfsec28 and others in the forums for reporting this!) [45274]
* Fix - When "Full Styles" or "Tribe Events Styles" are used, prevent duplicate featured images from showing up in the Twenty Seventeen theme (props to @want2what and others in the forums for reporting this) [80955]
* Fix - Fixed the issue that would prevent the start date and date range parameters from being taken into account when using 'Other URL' source in Event Aggregator
* Fix - Aggregator will no longer update comments while inactive [78890]
* Fix - Avoid issues when REST API archive request parameters are not in the original order (thanks @Nslaver for reporting this and providing a fix) [88748]
* Tweak - Aggregator prevents duplicated records with the same params from being created [68833]
* Tweak - Aggregator will now allow for some minor shifts in schedule execution time to help distribute requests to EA Service [86628]
* Tweak - Improve text in the Event Aggregator settings [77452]
* Tweak - Add actions before and after posts are inserted or updated by Event Aggregator to allow custom functions to kick in (`tribe_aggregator_before_insert_posts` and `tribe_aggregator_after_insert_posts`) [87530]
* Tweak - Allow users to import CSV with numerically-named categories by using a flag (currently `%n`) (thanks @Shamsi for reporting) [78340]
* Tweak - Allow date range and events count limits to be set on each type of import (except for 'Other URL') in Event Aggregator [79975]
= [] 2017-09-19 =
* Fix - Display events on Month View correctly for WordPress version 4.8.2 and up (props @realcrozetva for reporting this) [88952]
= [] 2017-09-08 =
* Fix - Fixed an issue where manually running Scheduled Imports would always result in a failed import [87321]
= [] 2017-09-07 =
* Fix - Fixed an issue where events imported via Event Aggregator from an iCal-like source would be duplicated in place of being updated [87654]
= [4.5.12] 2017-09-06 =
* Fix - Fixed an issue where, with certain date formats chosen in the Events display settings, the "Next Month" link navigation wasn't working (props to @tttammi and others for reporting this issue!) [86937]
* Fix - Fixed a typo in REST API Swagger documentation that mentioned "organizer" when it should have stated "venue".
* Fix - Fixed issues with Event Aggregator queueing system where events might be duplicated or incorrectly updated [79975]
* Fix - Prevent notice when the Aggregator Record title is an array [82149]
* Fix - Allows Aggregator Google Map settings to extend the Global Setting by default (props to queerio for reporting this!) [67639]
* Fix - Prevent Warnings when throwing WordPress admin notices from Aggregator daily usage limit (props to cigarplanner for reporting this!) [83187]
* Fix - Resolved problem where Aggregator wouldn't allow you to remove filtering terms for Records [76949]
* Fix - Allow any datepicker format to be used on Aggregator filtering Events (props to matthewseymour for reporting this!) [77819]
* Fix - Added check to see if log directory is readable before listing logs within it (thank you @rodrigochallengeday-org and @richmondmom for reporting this) [86091]
* Tweak - Datatables Head and Foot checkboxes will not select all items, only the current page [77395]
* Tweak - Included tooltip for Aggregator "Hide & Ignore" button for events [67890]
* Tweak - Added all the Aggregator Origins to the Admin Bar [68693]
* Tweak - Added filters: `tribe_get_state_options`
* Tweak - Added template tags: `maybe_format_from_datepicker()`
* Tweak - Added the `tribe_rest_single_event_data` filter to the single event REST API endpoint to allow filtering the returned data (thanks @mwender) [88748]
* Language - 2 new strings added, 90 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 1 obsoleted
= [4.5.11] 2017-08-24 =
* Fix - Avoid Event Aggregator previews or scheduled imports being marked as failures [84259]
* Fix - Fixed start and end date limit parsing for events archive in the REST API code [78375]
* Fix - Fixed issue with `tribe_events_get_the_excerpt()` returning a read more link that sometimes pointed to the current page [70473]
* Fix - Fixed Post ID not being sent to the_title filter for Organizers and Venues (props Anna L.) [85206]
* Fix - Fixed issue where Month View tooltips would often go off-screen in some smaller viewport sizes [65136]
* Fix - Fixed an issue that would sometimes render Event Aggregator options invalid even with a valid license [78469]
* Fix - Fixed an issue where the mobile.php template file would often fail to include an event's featured image [74291]
* Fix - Resolved issue where invalid linked post IDs prevent proper updates on linked posts (props to Mathew L. and a few others for highlighting this issue) [71802]
* Fix - Do not hijack the blog when the main events page is configured to appear on the site's homepage (our thanks to Jason and others for flagging this problem) [72094]
* Fix - Remove extra trailing double-quotes at the end of the timepicker data-format attributes [85603]
* Fix - Fixed an issues where Event Aggregator scheduled imports could not run other than manually [81639]
* Tweak - Prevent stray commas from showing up for some event venues in the List View [72289]
* Tweak - Prevent stray commas from showing up for some event venues in the Day View [85429]
* Tweak - Modify certain event queries to widen the window of opportunity for query caching (props @garretjohnson) [84841]
* Tweak - Improve Event Aggregator message regarding Facebook token expiration [70376]
* Tweak - Support importing from URLs (Event Aggregator) where the protocol hasn't been specified by defaulting to HTTP [76466]
* Tweak - Removed WP API adjustments [85996]
* Tweak - Added filter: `tribe_aggregator_meta_source` to filter the Event Aggregator import source
* Tweak - Added filter: `tribe_events_linked_post_meta_values_{$current_linked_post_meta_key}` for filtering the array of values retrieved for a specific linked post meta field
* Tweak - Updated views: `src/views/day/single-event.php` and `src/views/list/single-event.php`
* Compatibility - Minimum supported version of WordPress is now 4.5
* Language - Improvements to various strings to improve ease of translation (props to @ramiy)
* Language - 5 new strings added, 56 updated, 1 fuzzied, and 3 obsoleted [the-events-calendar]
= [] 2017-08-16 =
* Fix - Updates common library to resolve a range of issues preventing frontend assets from loading and breaking parts of our user interface [85017]
= [4.5.10] 2017-08-09 =
* Fix - Avoid duplicate events when importing from some iCal, Google Calendar and Facebook feeds in Event Aggregator (our thanks to Jason Sears, controlyours and many other users for highlighting these issues) [67038]
* Fix - Fixed bug that caused scheduled imports to get stuck in a perpetual state of failure when receiving error messages from the Event Aggregator service (our thanks to Antonio Jose and others for flagging this problem) [83767]
* Fix - Resolved issue where errors from the Event Aggregator service were not properly logging/visible on the History tab [83767]
* Tweak - Made linked post fields' auto-save features more stringently check for empty values to prevent the plugin from trying to "save" empty values (our thanks to Jean-Marie for highlighting this problem) [80282]
* Tweak - Moved the organizer e-mail address field label a bit to better accommodate Community Events [80426]
* Tweak - Added filter to tribe_get_display_end_date()'s return value [77730]
* Tweak - Avoid notice-level errors while processing queues within Event Aggregator (our thanks to David Sharpe and others for reporting this) [84020]
* Tweak - Improve compatibility and avoid Javascript errors when running alongside Twenty Seventeen [70853]
* Compatibility - Minimum supported version of WordPress is now 4.4
* Language - 1 new strings added, 119 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted
= [4.5.9] 2017-07-26 =
* Fix - Send Aggregator callback URL with correct Scheme [83364]
* Fix - Scheduled Aggregator cron for inserting will re-enqueue to complete scheduled imports [83382]
* Fix - Avoid overwriting Venues and Organizers when importing FB events with similarly named Venues and Organizers [75370]
* Fix - Improve handling of large and/or slow Google Calendar and iCal feeds [79975]
* Tweak - Added period "." separator to datepicker formats. [65282]
* Tweak - Added tribe_events_month_get_events_in_month filter to allow overriding of events used in month templates. [83317]
= [] 2017-07-21 =
* Fix - Fixed an issue where failed EA Imports would hang for a long time before failing [83344]
= [4.5.8] 2017-07-13 =
* Fix - Remove permalink logic for recurring events (Events Calendar PRO will implement instead) [74153]
* Fix - Avoid type error when setting up one-time imports for Facebook URLs (our thanks to @J for flagging this!) [78664]
* Fix - Add a safety check in isOrganizer() function (our thanks to Kevin for flagging this!) [81645]
* Fix - Avoid EA Client hanging when no events are found while attempting an import from a Facebook source [82713]
* Fix - Improve compatibility of The Events Calendar when operating with WPML from within a subdirectory (props: @dgwatkins) [81998]
= [4.5.7] 2017-06-28 =
* Fix - Restore support for translated events category slugs when WPML is active [73478]
* Fix - Improve handling of shortcodes within event view excerpts (props: @awbauer) [81226]
* Fix - Improve compatibility with WPML in relation to event permalinks specifically (props: @dgwatkins) [81224]
* Fix - Improved handling of Venue fields that allows for better form validation in Community Events [76297]
* Tweak - Better detection and reporting of communication failures with the Event Aggregator server
* Tweak - Textual corrections (with thanks to @garrett-eclipse for highlighting many of these) [77196]
* Tweak - New filter added ("tribe_events_linked_posts_dropdown_enable_creation") to facilitate more control over linked posts [80487]
* Tweak - Improve performance of theme compatibility code [71974]
* Tweak - Don't show Event Aggregator system status in Help tab if there's no Event Aggregator license in place [68506]
= [4.5.6] 2017-06-22 =
* Tweak - Improved how Cost field looks and it's consistency across views [71092 & 71094]
* Fix - Resolved issue where the Meta Chunker attempted to inappropriately chunk meta for post post_types [80857]
* Tweak - Added actions: `tribe_events_inside_cost`
* Tweak - Changed views: `day/single-event`, `day/single-featured`, `list/single-event`, `list/single-featured`
* Language - 1 new strings added, 15 updated, 1 fuzzied, and 1 obsoleted [the-events-calendar]
* Language - 0 new strings added, 0 updated, 1 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted [tribe-common]
= [4.5.5] 2017-06-14 =
* Fix - Removed extra double quotes in organizer link output [71133]
* Fix - Make the list and day view styles match more closely [63599]
* Fix - Better sanitization on CSV imports (thanks to Valentinos Chouris from NCC Group for reporting this) [80311]
* Fix - Prevent tabs from being incorrectly escaped in iCal output (props: KZeni) [80452]
* Fix - Fixed inconsistent font styling of Tribe Bar form labels. [27252]
* Tweak - Removed unused Javascript (jQuery UI Dialog) to help avoid warnings (our thanks to @gama6889 for flagging this) [80766]
* Tweak - Added new filter hooks 'tribe_events_register_event_type_args' and 'tribe_events_register_event_cat_type_args' [80658]
= [4.5.4] 2017-06-06 =
* Tweak - Minor tweaks to the CSS for linked post types (Organizer/Venues)
* Fix - Prevent drag and drop icon showing when singular linked post type is been displayed
* Fix - Resolved issue where scheduled imports sometimes failed to execute [79587]
* Fix - Better sanitization of data (Props to Valentinos Chouris for reporting this) [80310]
* Language - 2 new strings added, 156 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 4 obsoleted [the-events-calendar]
* Language - 4 new strings added, 20 updated, 1 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted [tribe-common]
= [4.5.3] 2017-06-01 =
* Fix - Made it easier to translate the update confirmation message (our thanks to safu9 for highlighting this) [79729]
* Fix - Fixed compatibility issue with WPML which caused organizers and venues to disappear on translated events [67581]
* Fix — Fixed bug where venues and organizers would be duplicated when their associated event is previewed. [64088]
* Tweak - Other fixes to the plugin verbiage (with thanks to @garrett-eclipse and others)
= [] 2017-05-19 =
* Fix - Prevent fatal errors occuring in PHP 5.5 and earlier [79208]
= [4.5.2] 2017-05-17 =
* Fix - Correct REST API reference URL (our thanks to Lindsey for flagging this) [78658]
* Fix - Improve Event Aggregator integration to avoid situations where imports continually restart but do not complete [77988]
* Tweak - Make the inclusion or exclusion of the year (within the event schedule string) filterable [78070]
* Tweak - Adjustments to help avoid false positive security alerts being generated in relation to our customizer integration [78355]
= [4.5.1] 2017-05-04 =
* Fix - Prevented errors on EA import screen that happened in exotic circumstance. Thanks @kathryn for reporting this! [75787]
* Fix - Made EA preserve custom dates after reimporting a Facebook Event when option is set. [75787]
* Fix - Enhance month view caching to minimize impact of JSON-LD generation [74656]
* Tweak - Styling/layout improvements within the Event Aggregator screen [77895]
= [] 2017-05-01 =
* Fix - Ensure compatibility with WordPress version 4.4 and earlier
= [] 2017-05-01 =
* Fix - Resolving issue where some premium plugins were falsely claiming they were out of date
= [4.5] 2017-05-01 =
* Feature - Event Aggregator now allows users to import from other sites with The Events Calendar [68139]
* Feature - Include a Events REST API endpoint for read operations [70711]
* Feature - Include granular Scheduling for Events Aggregator
* Tweak - Update Authority for modified fields now will include Organizer, Venues and Taxonomy changes [71152]
* Tweak - Clean up direct calls to get events and use wrapper `tribe_get_events()` which has a hook for customizing
* Tweak - Remove including Event Tickets for backwards compatibility as a vendor library [71908]
* Tweak - Create a global ID to increase consistency on all of the imported items with Event Aggregator [75218]
* Fix - Prevent Aggregator to run on Empty Queues thus generating fatals (props to @Donald for the report here) [75377]
* Fix - Categories and Tags are no longer cleared when importing with Event Aggregator (thank you @Nicolas for the report) [74264]
* Fix - Increase consistency on Column Mapping for CSV imports [76476]
* Tweak - Added filters for REST API: `tribe_events_rest_url_prefix`, `tribe_rest_url`, `tribe_events_rest_use_builtin`, `tribe_rest_events_archive_data`, `tribe_rest_event_max_per_page`, `tribe_rest_event_data`, `tribe_rest_venue_data`, `tribe_rest_organizer_data`, `tribe_rest_event_categories_data`, `tribe_rest_event_tags_data`, `tribe_rest_event_taxonomy_term_data`, `tribe_rest_event_featured_image`, `tribe_events_rest_api_enabled`
* Tweak - Added filters for REST API Documentation: `tribe_rest_swagger_cost_details_documentation`, `tribe_rest_swagger_date_details_documentation`, `tribe_rest_swagger_image_details_documentation`, `tribe_rest_swagger_image_size_documentation`, `tribe_rest_swagger_term_documentation`, `tribe_rest_swagger_event_documentation`, `tribe_rest_swagger_organizer_documentation`, `tribe_rest_swagger_venue_documentation`, `tribe_rest_swagger_documentation`
* Tweak - Added filters for Modified fields tracking: `tribe_tracker_post_types`, `tribe_tracker_excluded_meta_keys`, `tribe_tracker_enabled`, `tribe_tracker_enabled_for_terms`, `tribe_tracker_taxonomies`
* Tweak - Added filters for Event Aggregator: `tribe_aggregator_localized_data`, `tribe_aggregator_service_messages`, `tribe_aggregator_url_import_range_options`, `tribe_aggregator_url_import_range_cap`, `tribe_aggregator_url_import_range_start`, `tribe_aggregator_url_import_range_end`
* Tweak - Removed filters for Event Aggregator: `tribe_aggregator_track_modified_fields`
* Tweak - Added actions for Initialization: `tribe_events_bound_implementations`
* Tweak - Removed methods for `Tribe__Events__Main`: `track_event_post_field_changes`, `maybe_load_tickets_framework`
* Tweak - Removed methods for `Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Service`: `has_service_message`
= [4.4.5] 2017-03-23 =
* Fix - Local changes to events should be preserved in accordance with the Event Import Authority setting (thanks to @bryan for reporting this one) [72876]
* Fix - Correct the value for days of the week abbreviation (thanks @mmmmartin03 for the report) [75379]
* Tweak - Enable the month view cache by default on new installations [74867]
* Tweak - External links to Google maps changed from http to https (nice find by @bjf2000 - reported via the .org support page) [74930]
* Tweak - Links to WordPress.org changed from http to https (ultimately this is also credited to @bjf2000's find. Thanks!) [72273]
= [4.4.4] 2017-03-08 =
* Fix - Avoid unnecessarily removing a callback from an action while inside the same action (improves PolyLang compatibility - props @Chouby) [73122]
* Fix - Resolving issue where sites that overrode the wp-admin path would fail to successfully perform a Facebook OAuth with Event Aggregator [74687]
* Tweak - Improve template loading for easier customization by developers and better support of the template hierarchy (props @QWp6t) [72842]
= [4.4.3] 2017-02-22 =
* Fix - Resolved issue where iCal exports on month view were exporting more events than intended (thanks to @s2ldesign for reporting in our forums) [72133]
* Fix - Resolved meta width issue for maps when Pro is active (gracias a @ANTONIO JOSE por el reporte del error) [69844, 72272]
* Fix - Resolved issue where featured images were not being imported via Event Aggregator Facebook imports (cheers to @Cody for the initial bug report) [72764]
* Fix - Resolved issue where translated 'all' slugs were not respected (thank you @Marianne for your report in the forums) [71996]
* Tweak - Translation improvements and fixes (@Katja - thanks! ) [70068]
* Tweak - Allow "-1" when specifying the "Month view events per day" setting [70497]
= [4.4.2] 2017-02-09 =
* Fix - Ensure the global and source-specific Google Map settings for imports are respected [67228]
* Fix - Prevent PHP 5.2 Strict mode from throwing notices due to usage of `is_a` [72812]
* Fix - Ensure the events list widget's show/hide if there are upcoming events setting is respected [72965]
* Tweak - Add filters for template tag functions related to dates: `tribe_get_start_time`, `tribe_get_end_time`, `tribe_get_start_date` and `tribe_get_end_date` [67759]
= [] 2017-01-26 =
* Fix - Resolved fatal caused when rendering themes that override tribe styles
= [4.4.1] 2017-01-26 =
* Fix - Resolve the Fatals related to undefined methods and Memory exhaustion [71958, 71912]
* Fix - iCal export for Single events working again [71916]
* Tweak - Changes the Search label to prevent duplicate words (props @oheinrich) [72149]
* Tweak - Add theme version to `tribe-event.css` (props @berler) [71973]
* Fix - Resolve JavaScript error when jQuery was been de-registered [71369]
* Fix - Prevent Fatals when Importing Images on Event Aggregator [70576]
* Fix - Prevent Third Party notes to be escaped, anchor link working again [71872]
* Fix - Google Maps now are using HTTPS instead of HTTP (props @cliffordp)
* Fix - Prevent Fatals on Event Aggregator Cron, due to Activity logging failure [71904]
* Fix - Elminate some cases of problem with Facebook manual import on Event Aggregator [69137]
* Fix - WPML integration smaller incompatibilities [70520, 70522]
= [] 2017-01-09 =
* Fix - Adds safety check to ensure a smooth activation process when earlier versions of Tribe Common are active
= [4.4] 2017-01-09 =
* Feature - Add dynamic helper text to single event editor to display the events date and time [66484]
* Feature - Add support for featured events [65898]
* Feature - Add support for placing the main events archive on the site homepage [38757]
* Feature - Add support for the theme customizer [67489]
* Feature - Make it possible to adjust map pins via the theme customizer [65889]
* Feature - Support for Event Aggregator in a multisite network context added [61427]
* Fix - Add a link to The Events Calendar Help page in the Network Administration screen of multisite installations [68665]
* Fix - Multisite license editing and displaying consistency [68662]
* Tweak - Adjusted styles and added actions for featured events in the List Widget [65923]
* Tweak - Organizers and Venues are now with a better and cleaner interface [68430]
* Tweak - Eliminate duplicate meta data for organizer posts [25084]
* Tweak - Improved the start/end date user interface [66486, 66487, 66550]
* Tweak - iCal export now includes all events - up to a reasonable limit - rather than just those in the current view [65037]
* Tweak - Adjustments made to the default week view color scheme [69756]
* Tweak - Add AJAX and improve consistency of the venue and organizer UI [38129]
= [4.3.5] 2016-12-20 =
* Tweak - Updated the template override instructions in a number of templates [68229]
* Tweak - Improve behavior of tribe_get_events_title() in respect of single events [46313]
* Tweak - Event Aggregator will only load on the Administration, prevent bigger loads for Front-End users [70812]
* Tweak - Allow better filtering for Organizers and Venue Meta fields (Props: @Chouby from Polylang) [70894]
* Fix - Prevent JavaScript Notices related to Bumpdown [69886]
* Fix - Assets URL on Windows Servers are fully operational again [68377]
* Fix - JavaScript and CSS files will respect HTTPS on all pages [69561]
* Fix - Fixed comment count and visibility issues due to Event Aggregator records [68297]
* Fix - Fixed PHP notices and warnings raised when importing .ics files [69960]
* Fix - Only show link to Venues if Pro is active in List View [69887]
* Fix - Fixed and issue that would make Event Aggregator importing notices remain stuck in the Import screen [70614]
* Fix - Avoid error screen when saving licenses on multisite installations [68599]
* Fix - Fix calendar view links in WPML language switcher [67134]
= [] 2016-12-13 =
* Fix - Correct an oversight leading to breakages of the /all/ events archive for Events Calendar PRO users [70662]
= [] 2016-12-09 =
* Fix - Updates Tribe Common to remove some stray characters that were impacting page layouts (props: @Aetles) [70536]
= [4.3.4] 2016-12-08 =
* Tweak - Tribe Common now is loaded only once across our plugin suite, improves performance in some cases [65755]
* Fix - Featured Images for Event Aggregator imports are working as expected again. [69465]
* Fix - Google Calendar and iCalendar files are now updating their respective events [68684]
* Fix - On demand Event Aggregator records will update events correctly [69542]
= [4.3.3] 2016-11-16 =
* Feature - Added Tribe Extension class and loader, to make small addons easier to build [68188]
* Fix - Ordering on Month view is working as expected again [69123]
* Fix - Enable ampersand character in mobile month view titles (thanks @kate for the report of this) [45409]
* Fix - Prevent notices for Event Aggregator License checking [67981]
* Fix - Mismatched text domains are resolved, important for translations (props to @Hans) [68462]
* Fix - Sticky on Month View is working as expected again [68902]
* Fix - Prevent HTTPS websites from pointing to Assets in HTTP [68372]
* Fix - On `WP_Query` we will no-longer overwrite custom `post__not_in` params [42143]
= [4.3.2] 2016-11-02 =
* Fix - Fixes an issue where the text in the Location search field was URL encoded when using the back or forward button for navigation. [61742]
* Fix - Aggregator Errors will not show more than once daily as comments (Thanks @Jacob for your report on the forums) [68094]
* Fix - Event Aggregator ICS default configuration now are been Selected Correctly [67885]
* Fix - Shortcode Month view now will display tooltips correctly [68094]
* Fix - Avoid loading the select2 JavaScript library twice when Advanced Custom Fields is activated (props to @ryan for the initial report [43605]
* Fix - Avoid errors and notices on calendar page when X theme and WPML plugins are active (thanks @ingrid for reporting this one) [64400]
= [] 2016-10-20 =
* Fix - Corrected a packaging issue from the 4.3.1 release [67936]
= [4.3.1] 2016-10-20 =
* Tweak - Implement the pruning of Event Aggregator history records after 7 days, filterable by tribe_aggregator_record_retention [68283]
* Tweak - Event Aggregator will now verify that the license key has uses remaining before creating a history record [68286]
* Tweak - Improve `tribe_create_event` documentation (Props to Keith) [44871]
* Fix - Resolved an issue where scheduled Event Aggregator imports marked as "On Demand" were being run by cron [68284]
* Fix - Resolved a bug where empty meta fields were being inserted into Event Aggregator record post meta [68290]
* Fix - Resolved a bug where Venue and Organizers urls were been generated incorrectly (Thanks @Matt) [68168]
* Fix - Pagination links on Month view are updating correctly [67977]
* Fix - Resolved the support for translated event category archive slug that could lead to broken links on the front-end while using WPML (Props to Wilco in the support Forums) [62018]
* Fix - Resolved a bug where searching for past events in the List view would always yield no results (Thanks for the report @Davide) [61863]
* Fix - Resolved an issue where long file names would break plugin updates on some Windows installations (pros to @Alan [62552]
* Fix - Resolved an issue where the `/all` link on recurring events on non English websites could be broken (reported by @lumiest - thanks!) [68062]
* Fix - Pagination links on Month view are updating correctly [67977]
= [] 2016-10-14 =
* Fix - Preventing legacy Facebook events from being duplicated
= [4.3] 2016-10-13 =
* Feature - Added Event Aggregator to enable service-based event imports from iCal feeds, Facebook, and Meetup
* Feature - Revamped the CSV import screens to work within the new Event Aggregator pages
* Tweak - Adjusted some view logic to support the new Event Views shortcode in Pro [44800]
* Tweak - Added a button to copy the system infomation on the help tab [43709]
* Tweak - Added an option for users to opt into automatic system infomation so our support system can grab the system information found on the help tab automatically [31645]
* Tweak - Use an earlier hook for iCal feed generation (props @jlambe) [64141]
* Tweak - Revise and simplify integration with Event Tickets attendee screen [61992]
* Tweak - Added context to a set of strings to make translation easier (props @pedro-mendonca) [64586]
* Tweak - Deprecated various disused functions and classes relating to the Meta Factory [39905]
* Fix - Cease using GLOB_BRACE for including deprecated files due to limited server support [63172]
* Fix - Avoid problems that can occur when hooking and unhooking actions (props @Chouby) [63474]
* Fix - Resolves an issue where we were duplicating a core WordPress hook but with a different set of parameters (props @Chouby) [66455]
* Fix - Correct the datetime formatting issues within the iCal feed (props @henryk) [65968]
* Deprecated - `Tribe__Events__Main::initOptions()` has been deprecated with no replacement
* Deprecated - `Tribe__Events__Main::set_meta_factory_global()` has been deprecated in favor of using the `Tribe__Events__Meta_Factory` class
* Deprecated - The `setup_meta()` method in both the `Tribe__Events__Template__Single_Event` and `Tribe__Events__Template_Factory` classes has been deprecated
* Deprecated - The `the_title()`, `event_date()`, `event_category()`, `event_tag()`, `event_website()`, `event_origin()`, `organizer_name()`, `organizer_email()`, `venue_name()`, `venue_address()`, and `venue_map()` methods have been deprecated in the `Tribe__Events__Advanced_Functions__Register_Meta` class
* Deprecated - The `register()`, `check_exists()`, and `get_args()` methods have been deprecated in the `Tribe__Events__Meta_Factory` class
= [4.2.7] 2016-09-15 =
* Tweak - Additional support for plugin extensions
= [4.2.6] 2016-08-31 =
* Add - tribe_is_event_past() conditional to detect if event end time is past current time (Reported by @Jonathan in our support forums - thanks Jonathan.)
= [4.2.5] 2016-08-17 =
* Fix - Fixed inconsistent template filtering logic for single event template [62525]
* Tweak - Restored preview for published events [64874]
= [4.2.4] 2016-08-03 =
* Tweak - Changed "Event Add-Ons" to load faster [64286]
* Fix - Fixed default venue setting [64628]
* Fix - Fixed default venue state and province settings [64629]
= [4.2.3] 2016-07-20 =
* Fix - In month view, be sure to unhook JSON-LD output when calling unhook function
* Fix - Incorrect JSON-LD event start and end times (thank you @jjbte for reporting on .org forums)
* Fix - Show Google Map and Link checkbox so they show when editing an event (Reported originally by Michael of @NailedIT in the .org forum)
* Fix - Use Community Events Venue Edit Link when on Community Events Forms instead of Admin (also as a result of the report abve from @NailedIT. Thanks again.)
= [4.2.2] 2016-07-06 =
* Fix - Small CSS Issue on Welcome Page
* Fix - Month view on mobile device width doesn't have links to prev/next months
* Fix - Reimport of updated CSV removes featured image (Bug #46149)
* Fix - Fixed the issue that would make multiple organizers details disappear when trying to submit invalid event data using Community
* Fix - Add a check to avoid being unable to switch view when Filter Bar plugin is active and at least one field is set to auto-complete mode
* Fix - Only add the events custom post type to the tag archive queries and not custom queries with tags [45635]
* Fix - When using the filter tribe_events_excerpt_allow_shortcode shortcodes will be maybe be processed in event excerpts in the list views [42289]
= [] 2016-06-28 =
* Fix - Ensure translations load as expected with all supported versions of WordPress (thanks to @JacobALund for originally reporting this on .org forums)
= [4.2.1] 2016-06-22 =
* Tweak - Adjust the caching rules for Month View for faster loading
* Fix - Replace a bad return type to avoid unnecessary notices in the error log
* Fix - Add missing styles for correctly hide screen reader text
* Fix - Fixes `tribe_get_event_link()` which wasn't working when passing second parameter as `true'
* Tweak - Reduce the ginormous font size of Month View titles in skeleton styles
* Fix - Add styling to adjust List View description to full width
* Fix - Miscellaneous tweaks to improve the Month and Day views
* Fix - Fix a shorthand array that was causing errors in PHP 5.2 and 5.3 when importing events
= [4.2] 2016-06-08 =
* Feature - Added Google Maps API key field in the Settings tab to avoid map timeouts and errors on larger sites (Thanks to Yan for reporting this!)
* Feature - Added support for featured image, multiple organizers, excerpt and more custom fields in the .csv file import function for events (Thank you to Graphic Designer for posting on UserVoice!)
* Feature - Added support for featured image, description, map details and more custom fields in the .csv file import function for venues
* Feature - Added support for featured image and description in the .csv file import function for organizers (Thank you to Rebecca for posting on UserVoice!)
* Feature - Added an oEmbed template for events
* Feature - Improve performance of a query used to determine if there are free/uncosted events (Thank you @fabianmarz for the pull request!)
* Feature - Added support for attaching custom post types to events
* Tweak - Improved filtering of the `tribe_event_featured_image()` function (Cheers to @fabianmarz!)
* Tweak - Add an encoding class for the CSV importer to prevent non utf8 characters from preventing imports (Thanks to screenrage for the report!)
* Tweak - Improved our JSON-LD output to ensure consistency (Props to @garrettjohnson and Lars!)
* Tweak - Language files in the `wp-content/languages/plugins` path will be loaded before attempting to load internal language files (Thank you to user aafhhl for bringing this to our attention!)
* Tweak - Switch to HTTPS for the "Powered by The Events Calendar" link (Thank you Cynthia for reporting this!)
* Tweak - Switch to using HTTPS by default for interactions with Google Maps API
* Tweak - Improved filterability of calendar excerpts by introducing the new `tribe_events_get_the_excerpt` filter hook
* Tweak - Improved filtering of organizer details when importing by CSV (Props to @Geir for bringing this up!)
* Tweak - Adjustments for single event view in Twenty Fifteen theme
* Tweak - Improved performance of query used to test for events without any cost
* Tweak - Added missing semicolon to a laquo (Props to mwender on GitHub for the fix!)
* Tweak - Improve the "stickiness" of CSV import column mappings (Thank you @jamesgol!)
* Tweak - Consistency of JSON-LD markup improved (Cheers to @garrettjohnson for the help!)
* Tweak - Avoid notice-level errors when working with WP CLI on a site where The Events Calendar is also active (Thanks to @sun)
* Tweak - Corrected the spelling of timezone in the CSV Importer's event field
* Tweak - Updated venue and organizer templates to use the new architecture for attaching custom post types to events
* Tweak - Move plugin CSS to PostCSS
* Tweak - Category default view is now set to `default` in place of hardcoding the current default view in the category base rewrite rule [31907]
* Deprecated - `Tribe__Events__PUE__Checker`, `Tribe__Events__PUE__Plugin_Info`, and `Tribe__Events__PUE__Utility` classes are deprecated and are replaced by `Tribe__PUE__Checker`, `Tribe__PUE__Plugin_Info`, and `Tribe__PUE__Utility` classes
* Fixed - Changed the use of `have_posts()` in the maybe iCal links for the main views that could cause an infinite loop
* Accessibility - Focus styles added for search fields
* Accessibility - Add ARIA labels for Month/Day/List sub nav
* Accessibility - Add ARIA label for events footer sub nav heading
= [4.1.4] 2016-05-19 =
* Fix - Improve accuracy of list view pagination after switching from month view
* Tweak - Give the multi-organizer form 'sticky' properties so values persist even if the submission is initially rejected
* Tweak - Resolved minor CSS issues in the welcome page
= [4.1.3] 2016-04-28 =
* Fix - Month View single days are now ordered as follows: sticky events, ongoing multi-day events, all day events, then start time. In other words, all events should be ordered as you'd expect when viewing events in Month View.
* Fix - Updated the compatibility of CSV importer with WordPress 4.5 due to a change in the `post_status` filter. This will help prevent some of the errors you may have seen when importing events using a CSV file.
* Tweak - Added new event names for AJAX success to the List, Month, and Day views to help The Events Calendar's compatibility with our other premium plugins.
= [4.1.2] 2016-04-11 =
* Tweak - Removed an unneeded hook that attempted to add a query argument to event tag links
* Fix - Resolved an issue where events marked as "sticky" would not display as such in Month View
* Fix - Dashes, hyphens, or whatever you like to call them in the events archive slug no longer breaks the URL
* Fix - The notice that pops up when a conflicting "events" page exists can now be dismissed
= [] 2016-04-07 =
* Security - Tightened up security with post type link filtering (props to Nadal Soler for reporting this issue!)
* Security - Tightened up security around tribe bar submissions (props to Paul Mynarsky for reporting this issue!)
= [4.1.1] 2016-03-30 =
* Fix - Resolved bug where array notices were output on single event pages when venues were not set (props to zaxiscreative for reporting this issue!)
* Fix - Resolved issue where the Month View in mobile sizes retained the long day-of-week names when the abbreviations should have been used (props to Lucy for the bug report!)
* Fix - Fixed bug where a "0" was added to the default Venue name when creating a new event
* Fix - Fixed notice that caused Ajax requests to fail (props to cgrymala on WP.org for reporting this!)
* Fix - Removed quotes from around TZID-specified timezones in iCal feeds which causes problems with some parsers (props to factory44 for reporting the issue that lead to this fix)
* Fix - Resolved various capitalization issues with German translations (props to oheinrich in our forums for pointing out this issue!)
= [] 2016-03-17 =
* Fix - Resolved multiple issues with the German `de_DE` language file that caused a number of site-breaking issues
= [4.1] 2016-03-15 =
* Feature - Added a tribe_get_venue_website_url() function for fetching Venue website URLs (props to fervorcreative in our forums for this request!)
* Performance - Lazy-load venue and organizer selector data
* Tweak - Allow iCal filenames to be filtered via a new filter: tribe_events_ical_feed_filename
* Tweak - Added a hook to allow single day queries in month view to be filtered: tribe_events_month_daily_events_query_args
* Tweak - Improved the logic around rebuilding known date ranges
* Tweak - Always show the "Merge Duplicates" button for venues and organizers in the Events General Settings page
* Tweak - Allow the "same slug" notice to be dismissed and fix some text in that message
* Tweak - Ignore alpha/beta/rc suffixes on version numbers when checking template versions
* Tweak - Add a filter for month view daily events query: tribe_events_month_daily_events_query_args
* Tweak - Added a more flexible cost range parsing function
* Tweak - Obfuscate license keys Events > Help > System Information
* Fix - Fixed a fatal that sometimes occurred when refreshing the import CSV page
* Fix - Fixed issue where some characters were not escaped appropriately for month and year formats
* Fix - Added missing tribe-loading@2x.gif
* Fix - Fixed a warning produced by passing a DateTime() object into start_date or end_date args of tribe_get_events (props to iamhexcoder for the pull request!)
* Fix - Fixed bug where events in month view were not always sorted in chronological order
* Fix - Fixed the System Info URL in Events > Help
* Fix - Resolved issue where the default country would be "Array" if no default country is set
* Fix - Fixed bug where ajaxurl was sometimes undefined
= [4.0.7] 2016-03-02 =
* Fix - Resolve display issues on templates with Jetpack and a few themes
* Fix - Mobile breakpoints on month view working with custom breakpoints
* Fix - Reordering Venue and Organizer metadata no longer breaks titles
* Fix - Prevented notices from happening when using `the_title` filter
* Fix - iCal links now will respect categories on the first page
* Fix - Prevent third-party bugs with SEO plugins when inserting events programmatically
* Fix - Organizer information is showing up again correctly
* Fix - Modified the add-on license validation method to better explain what is happening
* Fix - Description on mobile views now have the correct class attribute on HTML
* Fix - Added missing semicolon on the list navigation for "«"
= [4.0.6] 2016-02-17 =
* Tweak - Adjust injection of event data into the_content from priority 10 to 9 for better 3rd-party plugin compatibility
* Tweak - Change mobile month view selector to load event details below the calendar for better theme compatibility
* Tweak - Better handling of edge cases on the post_excerpt for List View
* Tweak - Removal of generic CSS classes like `.updated` and `.published`
* Fix - Prevent Notices from appearing when using `tribe_get_organizer()`
* Fix - Make HTML Single Event Pages valid
* Fix - Numeric named categories URLs are now fully working
* Fix - Event Title now Accepts HTML on Tooltips
* Fix - Licenses Tab now will work with `DISALLOW_FILE_MODS` (Props to Sun for spotting and fixing this)
= [4.0.5] 2016-01-15 =
* Security - Security fix with Venues and Organizers (props to grantdayjames for reporting this!)
= [4.0.4] 2015-12-23 =
* Tweak - Including the latest embedded Event Tickets release for backward compatibility
= [4.0.3] 2015-12-22 =
* Tweak - Adjust single-event.php template to allow the "Time" title and content to be filterable (Props to Sitecrafting for highlighting this issue!)
* Fix - Resolved issue with an overly escaped Event Category edit URL that prevented editing categories (Thanks to Ian for the first report of this issue!)
* Fix - Fixed issue where clicking on columns on the Events listed in the Admin Dashboard were ALWAYS sorted by Event start/end date before sorting by the column selected (Cheers to Corrado for bringing this to our attention!)
= [4.0.2] 2015-12-16 =
* Tweak - Adding better support for non-numeric cost values on events (Props to Mirja for highlighting this!)
* Tweak - Avoid notice level errors when advanced events list widget settings are saved (Thank you Johan for reporting the issue!)
* Tweak - Improve messaging in the same-slug warning message (Thanks to Simon for bringing this to our attention!)
* Tweak - Hook to Event Tickets to inject event dates into ticket emails
* Tweak - Adding better support for default venues (Props to Karly for noting this!)
* Tweak - Improve handling of internationalized slugs (Cheers to Oliver for the help!)
* Fix - Ensure the past events list displays the correct events when accessed via ajax (Thank you Jesse for highlighting this!)
* Fix - Support ordering by venue/organizer within event queries (Thank you Doug for bringing this to our attention!)
* Fix - Fixed issue where events with the same date/time would sometimes be excluded from single-event navigation (Cheers to JeremyEnglert for the tip!)
* Fix - Resolved issue where events set with the explicit cost of 0 were not showing as "Free" (Thank you terrizsolo for reporting this!)
* Fix - Fixed bug where the datepicker in Twenty Sixteen was really ugly
* Fix - Fixed bug where using Quick Edit on events caused the table columns in the event list to become jumbled on save (Props to A K for the report!)
* Fix - Resolved bug where category links sometimes included event category 1 (Thank you Anthony for the original report of this problem!)
* Fix - Fixed a settings page URL (Props to Kristy for the heads up!)
= [4.0.1] 2015-12-10 =
* Tweak - Add a warning message for major updates
* Tweak - For SEO reasons, use an h1 for the title rather than an h2 (props to wpexplorer for this fix)
* Tweak - Target the calendar view grid in JS using a simpler selector
* Fix - Resolved WP 4.4 related fatal on the Nav Menu page that prevented the admin footer from rendering/enqueuing JS
* Fix - Resolved bug where visiting /events/upcoming could sometimes result in an infinite redirect loop
* Fix - Removed `wp_trim_excerpt` and use only it's powers, fixing the excerpt problem
* Fix - Fixed bug where the mobile calendar view did not display the date for the date being viewed
* Fix - Fixed bug where the admin toolbar's Events > Import > CSV did not link to the CSV importer page
* Fix - Fixed issue where the events list in the admin dashboard were not ordered in an intuitive manner
* Fix - Resolved bug where sorting by event category or tag resulted in an error
* Fix - Fixed bug where full event content text was displayed where excerpts should have been displayed
* Fix - Resolved issue where events imported via CSV were excluded from single event navigation
* Fix - Fixed bug where /events/list would sometimes 404 on a new install
* Fix - Resolved bug where multiday all-day events displayed the end date as one day later than it should be when the End of Day Cut-off was set to something other than 12am
* Fix - Timezone handling fixed within generated iCal feeds
= [4.0] 2015-12-02 =
* Security - A TON of escaping was added to our codebase thanks to the efforts of the always-helpful Andy Fragen (@afragen)
* Feature - Moved the Ticket framework code into its own plugin (event-tickets)
* Feature - The event cost now supports more international formats with the addition of the tribe_events_cost_separators filter (Thank you remokrol for bringing this to our attention!)
* Feature - Added support for the twentysixteen theme
* Feature - Created a new Add-Ons tab in Settings so that TEC add-ons can have a consolidated settings tab
* Feature - Improve the date formats UI by providing example output for each selected format
* Tweak - Restructured TEC's core settings code for reusability with other standalone plugins like Event Tickets
* Tweak - Deprecate old JS event names in favor of a new JS event naming standard. Example: deprecated tribe_ev_runAjax in favor of run-ajax.tribe
* Tweak - Consolidated import pages for TEC and add-ons
* Tweak - When suggesting a UTF-8 compatibility CSV formatting tool, point to one that still exists
* Tweak - Added the ability to filter attendees CSV items via tribe_events_tickets_attendees_csv_items (Props to @bostondv on GitHub for this patch!)
* Tweak - Updated all excerpt output to use tribe_events_get_the_excerpt() to ensure a consistent display of excerpt content (Cheers to Joseph to pointing this out!)
* Tweak - Add support for wp_get_document_title in response to the WordPress 4.4 deprecation of wp_title
* Tweak - Check post creation permissions before letting users create venues and organizers from the event meta box
* Tweak - Only display data separators between fields that have data when rendering organizers (Thank you Bud for highlighting this issue!)
* Tweak - When a user cannot create organizers, prevent the auto-selection of organizers when editing an event
* Tweak - Remove microformat CSS classes from templates and replace with namespaced content-relevant CSS classes
* Tweak - Changed the "updated" CSS class to "tribe-updated" so that it is properly namespaced (Thank you vijayrajesh!)
* Tweak - The Plugin Update Checker will now auto-save valid plugin keys (Thanks to Denon for originally bringing this up!)
* Tweak - Cleaned up the output of JSON-LD data. Filterable via the new tribe_google_data_markup_json filter
* Tweak - Drop the use of the generic CSS class "placeholder" in favor of "tribe-event-placeholder" (Thanks to Marc on the forums!)
* Tweak - Adjusted the CSS padding on Admin Menu items for Events
* Tweak - Various codesniffer fixes
* Tweak - tribe_get_venue_link() no longer echoes if you ask it to return an element
* Tweak - Error messages for empty Venue names
* Tweak - Improve our responsiveness for the widget mini calendar, allowing smaller sidebars.
* Tweak - No longer retrieve empty costs when fetching all costs for all events
* Tweak - Change the priority of bootstrapping the-events-calendar to ensure it occurs before any of the TEC addons in the event some addons are upgraded to v4.0 later than TEC
* Tweak - Adjust the logic used for adding a noindex/follow tag to event views
* Tweak - No longer hiding default address fields when default venues are selected when Pro is active
* Fix - Resolved issue where the iCal feed did not provide an appropriately formatted timezone in some cases (Cheers to Matt for the report!)
* Fix - Added support for translating some previously untranslatable strings (Props to tititou36, media325, and Stef!)
* Fix - Prevented duplicate CSS IDs on the mini calendars (Cheers to Corrado for the help!)
* Fix - Fixed bug causing tribe_get_single_ical_link() and tribe_get_ical_link() to use the same URL when it shouldn't (Props to Ben Byrne @drywall on Twitter for the heads up!)
* Fix - Fixed issue where the "Add another organizer" text wasn't using the correct singular label (Thank you MIKE for the report!)
* Fix - Various CSS fixes for twenty(ten-fifteen)
* Fix - Improved our handling of `get_current_screen()` across the plugin, avoiding notices and warnings (Thank you Mike for the help!)
* Fix - Fixed bug where accessing object properties on a non object errored out when saving event meta (props to @dalethedeveloper on GitHub for this fix!)
* Fix - Fixed bug where organizer ID meta attached sometimes included a blank record. That blank record is no longer returned in tribe_get_organizer_ids()
* Fix - Fixed error message returned when tabbing away from a blank event name meta box so that it properly indicates that an event name is required (Our thanks to @tapan29bd for this fix!)
* Fix - Resolved issue where Timezone event start/end date property name strings were malformed which guaranteed a a call to get_post_meta for Timezone date strings
* Fix - Fixed CSS issue where the month view calendar could sometimes extend beyond the edge of the page when Skeleton Styles were enabled
* Fix - Fixed a problem where iCal data was generated with incorrect dates in the case of some all days events (thanks to Matt for highlighting this)
* Fix - Resolved a problem causing the previous month view to appear when it should not
* Fix - Fixed issue in mobile month view where date was missing from heading
* Fix - Resolved issue that caused /events/ to 404 if it was visited on a new install before hitting "Save" on the Events > Settings > Display page
* Deprecated - The Tribe__Events__Main::defaultValueReplaceEnabled() method is being deprecated in favor of tribe_get_option('defaultValueReplace'). Schedules for removal in v4.5
* Deprecated - The tribe_event_link() has been deprecated in favor of tribe_get_event_link(). Scheduled for removal in 5.0
* Deprecated - The third parameter of tribe_get_organizer_link() (the $echo parameter) has been deprecated and is scheduled for removal in 5.0
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Abstract_Deactivation in favor of Tribe__Abstract_Deactivation
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Admin__Helpers in favor of Tribe__Admin__Helpers
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__App_Shop in favor of Tribe__App_Shop
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Autoloader in favor of Tribe__Autoloader
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Cache in favor of Tribe__Cache
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Cache_Listener in favor of Tribe__Cache_Listener
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Changelog_Reader in favor of Tribe__Changelog_Reader
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Credits in favor of Tribe__Credits
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Date_Utils in favor of Tribe__Date_Utils
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Field in favor of Tribe__Field
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Settings in favor of Tribe__Settings
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Settings_Tab in favor of Tribe__Settings_Tab
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Support in favor of Tribe__Support
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Template_Part_Cache in favor of Tribe__Template_Part_Cache
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Tickets__Attendees_Table in favor of Tribe__Tickets__Attendees_Table in the event-tickets plugin
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Tickets__Metabox in favor of Tribe__Tickets__Metabox in the event-tickets plugin
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Tickets__Ticket_Object in favor of Tribe__Tickets__Ticket_Object in the event-tickets plugin
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Tickets__Tickets in favor of Tribe__Tickets__Tickets in the event-tickets plugin
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Tickets__Tickets_Pro in favor of Tribe__Tickets__Tickets_Handler in the event-tickets plugin
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Validate in favor of Tribe__Validate
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__View_Helpers in favor of Tribe__View_Helpers
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::OPTIONNAME in favor of Tribe__Main::OPTIONNAME
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::OPTIONNAMENETWORK in favor of Tribe__Main::OPTIONNAMENETWORK
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::addHelpAdminMenuItem() in favor of Tribe__Settings_Manager::add_help_admin_menu_item()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::addNetworkOptionsPage() in favor of Tribe__Settings_Manager::add_network_options_page()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::array_insert_after_key() in favor of Tribe__Main::array_insert_after_key()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::array_insert_before_key() in favor of Tribe__Main::array_insert_before_key()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::debug() in favor of Tribe__Debug::debug()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::defaultValueReplaceEnabled() in favor of tribe_get_option( 'defaultValueReplace' )
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::doHelpTab() in favor of Tribe__Settings_Manager::do_help_tab()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::doNetworkSettingTab() in favor of Tribe__Settings_Manager::do_network_settings_tab()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::doSettingTabs() in favor of Tribe__Settings_Manager::do_setting_tabs()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::do_licenses_tab() in favor of Tribe__Settings_Manager::do_licenses_tab()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::getNetworkOption() in favor of Tribe__Settings_Manager::get_network_option()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::getNetworkOptions() in favor of Tribe__Settings_Manager::get_network_options()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::getNotices() in favor of Tribe__Notices::get()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::getOption() in favor of Tribe__Settings_Manager::get_option()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::getOptions() in favor of Tribe__Settings_Manager::get_options()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::have_addons() in favor of Tribe__Settings_Manager::have_addons()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::isNotice() in favor of Tribe__Notices::is_notice()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::pluginDir in favor of Tribe__Events__Main::plugin_dir
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::pluginName in favor of Tribe__Events__Main::plugin_name
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::pluginPath in favor of Tribe__Events__Main::plugin_path
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::pluginUrl in favor of Tribe__Events__Main::plugin_url
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::removeNotice() in favor of Tribe__Notices::remove_notice()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::renderDebug() in favor of Tribe__Debug::render()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::saveAllTabsHidden() in favor of Tribe__Settings_Manager::save_all_tabs_hidden()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::setNetworkOptions() in favor of Tribe__Settings_Manager::set_network_options()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::setNotice() in favor of Tribe__Notices::set_notice()
* Deprecated - Tribe__Events__Main::truncate() in favor of tribe_events_get_the_excerpt()
* Deprecated - tribe_event_beginning_of_day() in favor of tribe_beginning_of_day()
* Deprecated - tribe_event_end_of_day() in favor of tribe_end_of_day()
* Deprecated - tribe_event_format_date() in favor of tribe_format_date()
* Deprecated - tribe_events_the_notices() in favor of tribe_the_notices()
= 3.x and previous =
For release notes from the 3.x and older lifecycles, see our [full historical release notes](https://theeventscalendar.com/category/products/release-notes/).