HAML mode !!! #content .left.column(title="title"){:href => "/hello", :test => "#{hello}_#{world}"} <!-- This is a comment --> %h2 Welcome to our site! %p= puts "HAML MODE" .right.column = render :partial => "sidebar" .container .row .span8 %h1.title= @page_title %p.title= @page_title %p / The same as HTML comment Hello multiline comment -# haml comment This wont be displayed nor will this Date/Time: - now = DateTime.now %strong= now - if now > DateTime.parse("December 31, 2006") = "Happy new " + "year!" %title = @title \= @title <h1>Title</h1> <h1 title="HELLO"> Title </h1> MIME types defined: text/x-haml. Parsing/Highlighting Tests: normal, verbose.